Here are some of our products, designs and print examples. Some of these are based on FEFCO codes which are an internationally recognised code assigned to a standard cardboard design
0201 - White
Regular printed case
0201 - Brown
Standard box
0426- 2 Colour
Hinged lid
Pizza box
Shelf ready packaging
Perforated tear-off
0427 - Mail order
Brown material, white ink
0204 - One colour shading
Protects against damage from blades upon opening
Standard transit carton
Multicolour print option
Bespoke design
Inside face printing
0427 - Mailer
White material
Full coverage print with reversed out text
SRP (shelf ready packaging)
Presentation packaging
Inside face high quality print
Box with dividers
Protection in transit
0207 - Regular transit case
Repeat print option
0421 – Despatch and display
CDU – Counter top display unit
SRP - (Shelf ready packaging)
Multicolour print options
Printed transit case
Box with integral dividers
High quality print
0422 & 0423
Hinged lid boxes and trays